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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Hot again and back to work

For plants that aren't supposed to transplant well and shouldn't be planted in full sun, these are doing fabulously! Bean ripped the two end plants out of her garden last year. They were planted in a very dark corner and took on the shape. She bought me the one in the center and I've moved it twice now. The sweet peas are coming up and will hopefully cover my "trellis" soon.

I didn't get much done today. It was hot and my back aches. John managed to somehow fix the wheelbarrow so hopefully that will help with my back. I feel bad that I didn't notice it when I got home from work. I did plant the bamboo poles and some sunflower seeds close to them. I put in the last of the milkweed seedlings and that was pretty much it. The plan I spent so long working on has been changed several times and I still keep changing my mind. I have decided not to plant the datura seedlings because I've read that they are quite poisonous and I know Alex and Lizzie would want to pick them.

Last week I waved a driver through and didn't recognize that it was SIL. Today, when I walked across the road to work, I didn't realize BJ was coming down the road so he stopped to tease me and say hello. I really need to pay better attention. If anyone else feels snubbed it was unintentional!

I did spend some time looking up the butterflies that have already visited. So far I've had a couple of eastern tailed blue, a small sulfer, a tiger swallowtail, and a pair of meadow fritillaries that seem content to stay.

The road-eo scores arrived today. I did worse than I thought. Congratulations to my teammates who did quite well. No, I'm not going to say just how badly I did; I'm extremely embarrassed!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Hot Hot Hot!

It's hard to believe that just over a week ago we had frost warnings! I went to Mom's today and it got into the low 90's in Syracuse. I'm sure it hit 90 here too. All of my recent transplants are looking decidedly sad. I'll go out and battle the mosquitoes later to water them.

I had big plans in the garden for my mini vacation. I got quite a bit done Friday and Saturday. Saturday evening J & S came for dinner and a board game. Sunday my back was hurting and we went to Alex’s birthday party in the afternoon. Monday friends from out of town stopped by in the morning and by the time they left it was hot so even though I worked I didn’t get much done. The wheelbarrow fell apart so I’m forced to haul the weeds out back in buckets and with my back they aren’t all that full. John put the air conditioner in the bedroom. Today was spent with Mom and running some errands. I was beat by the time I got home so nothing got done today except to put out my new purchases; a swinging garden gnome, a butterfly stake that is supposed to glow in the dark and the cutest, tiniest bird bath on a stake that I’m going to put fruit pieces in. I find the neatest stuff at Real Deals! I went in looking for another little trellis but they had sold out of them. I also picked up a lot of 6 bamboo stakes before they were gone too.

The hollyhock and zinnia seeds have started to germinate. I only planted the Zinnia on Friday! The glads are getting big, the iris by the garage has finally started blooming, the red astilbe needs to be moved – they’re going to be big, and the pink butterfly bush is taking off. The other two buddleia don’t look like they’re going to make it but I’ll keep watering them and cross my fingers. The weeds are starting to take over out front but they’ll still be there in a couple of weeks when I have more time.


The tent caterpillars are terrible this year! They have covered the back of the house at various points. The only plants near the house that they seem interested in are the strawberries. Every time I went outside I’d pick 10-35 of them off of the plants. I finally got smart and put the planter in an old saucer and filled it with water, which they seem reluctant to cross. I can see the tents in the dead maple; the others maples don’t seem to be showing any damage yet. When I walk out back by the woods it sounds like it’s raining so many of them are constantly dropping out of the trees. They have hitched a ride inside with both John and I even though we have taken to checking for them before coming in.

I’m at a loss as to what else to do about the moles. (It turns out we have both voles and moles!) We have a huge grub problem; everyplace I dig I find tons of them. John spread poison for the grubs because the kids won’t be here for a week or so but from what I’ve read this isn’t the best time to treat the lawn and we’ll have to do it again later. I don’t want to put out more of the poison that I used for the voles because the kids will be playing in the yard and I don’t want to take a chance on them getting sick from it. I’ve been told not to put out beetle traps because that will just attract more. So I guess just about the time I’m done hand picking caterpillars I’ll be picking beetles off of the plants. Since I’m trying to attract butterflies I can’t use any chemical spray. At least the one area where we’ve lost all of the grass is by the house where I want to put more perennials next year.

I’ve given up on getting rid of the ants. They seem to make the soil sandy, I haven’t had any in the house yet and so far none of them have bitten me. If I find out later that they eat my plants I may change my mind.

We also have a little garter snake and at least two toads but since they should help keep down the bug population they’re welcome to stay as long as they stop startling the heck out of me. I’m planning to make a toad abode with some of the rocks that I’ve dug out, as far from the butterfly host plants as I can!

Monday, May 29, 2006

My little drama

John pointed out that I haven't written anything in a while. Sometimes depression just takes hold.

So what pushed over the edge this time? Late May is when I have my annual check-up. The doctor was literally yelling at me because I had not had my lump rechecked by the surgeon or biopsied. I explained to him that after my last visit to the surgeon I felt he thought it was nothing to worry about, so I didn’t! Anyway he got me upset so I decided to have it biopsied after all just to be sure. I called the surgeons office and made an appointment to have it done in the office and because I do not have health insurance they agreed to just schedule it without an office visit first. I had to take an afternoon off of work and John took me. The surgeon re-examined me and told me he would do the procedure if I really wanted but he was 99.9% sure it is just normal breast tissue and if I have a biopsy I will have a new lump of scar tissue that will mess up my mammograms. So needless to say I did not have it done. The surgeon dictated a rather terse note to my GYN and I was out of there in under 15 minutes. He also gave me a huge discount on his office visit rate which was very kind of him!

So with the stress of this little drama, some things going on with Bean (she and family are fine, I just inherited the worry gene from Mom!), and a month left to go at work I haven’t been feeling like myself the past week.

With 5 days off I really thought I could finish putting in the butterfly garden and I have really been working at it. It won’t be done by Tuesday but it will be close. The weather has been great and I love being outside. Hopefully I’ll be back to regular updates now.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Happy Birthday Alex!

Look who turned 4 over the weekend! He got to spend his birthday on vacation. We're looking forward to his party next weekend. I'm betting that this is the last year that he shrugs his shoulders and says "I don't know" when asked what he wants for a present.

Gardening Friends May Meeting

Sorry this is so late but I've been busy in the garden! Be sure to check the next newsletter for lots of info on our up coming events! If you live in Oswego County (or Jefferson or Onondaga) and are looking for a fun group to join check us out. Some of our members have super gardens and some of us are like me with my brown thumb.

We had a very good turn out. We talked about our Garden Tour which will be held on June 17th. Our next meeting will be on the 14th - mark your calendar and check the newsletter for the location! Be sure to pot up your plants and volunteer to help out. If you will be in the Pulaski area that day tickets are only $5 for 5 gardens. There will also be a plant sale and baked goods. Stop by the Pulaski Wesleyan Church on Rte 11 between 10 & 1. Leave a comment if you would like more info.

The president of the Oswego Garden Club was there to talk to us about having our own flower show. She explained how their show worked last year and gave us some great tips for staging our show in July. We will be modeling our show after theirs and holding it at the Pulaski Library, July 20th and 21st.

Each participant is asked to pick a book by the June meeting and then design a floral arrangement based on that book; they will be displayed together. What a neat idea! More than one of us can pick the same book, the librarian will get extra copies as needed. My past floral arrangements have consisted of shoving flowers into a vase and "fluffing" them. But this sounds like fun so I'll give it a try.

We will have our July meeting on the 19th at the library to set up. More information will be in the June newsletter and at the June meeting.

We also set a date for our Member's Tea. It will be Aug 5th. Check the July newsletter for the details.

Saturday, May 20, 2006


The roadeo was this morning and I had a great time despite the miserable weather! I saw people I hadn't seen since last year and made some new friends. The tennis balls were flying and everyone was smiling. No tears this year! And I won a gift certificate to Home Depot so now I can buy a trellis!

Congratulations to all of the winners!!! If I'd had my act together I would have written down their names. I think that in the Transit class there were winners from Sandy Creek, Liverpool and Sandy Creek. In the Conventional class it was ? Homer, Central Square and Southern Cayuga (sorry if I got any wrong or out of order, if you have names or corrections leave a comment and I will correct)


Start of course

Homer has the neatest stuff! All the lights actually work and it zips right along. I think they said that it started life as a golf cart.

So how did I do? Terrible!!!! :)
I did well on the pre-trip and I didn’t hit any barrels but that was all that I did right. I won’t get my official score for a few days but here is how I think I did.

Pre-trip - 10
Loading – 8 close but not close enough
Serpentine - 10
Offset - 8 one ball, just touched it
Right turn - 0 hit the curb, I never do that!
Alley dock 2 way too far away
Straight line - 0 balls were flying and I even smooshed one
Dim. & stop - 8 I'm guessing 5"
Railroad - 8 forgot to open window
Unload - 10
Written test 7.5 I studied, really!!!

Total 71.5

Not even close to what that I scored last year but better then I did at state. It will be interesting to see how close I am to guessing my real score. Hopefully I didn’t screw up anything else!

I don't know why I felt so stressed before hand. I'm glad it's over but I'm also glad that I went. I'm not upset by my score although I do wish I had done better. I learned a couple of new things. They were talking about bus safety camp in June and since our buddy from Westhill is going I'm going to look into it.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Rant, Rant, Rant

Well I guess I’ll start with the positive. My friend's son is in a hospital in the states finally. He's going to have a long recovery but he's improving.

We had the kids Tuesday night and they were great. We watched the new Herbie movie and colored. They checked on their seedlings and actually got along well until just before they went home.

I got lots of things planted in a very short period today just in time for the rain to water them in. The clover and sweet peas have germinated; the rhododendrons have started to bloom. I found a really cute little trellis at the dollar store for some climbing snapdragon. I’m really hoping to get some Buckeyes! I’ve got a long way to go but at least the garden is starting to take shape!

But boy have I ever found the last couple of days exasperating!

Tonight I went to my garden club meeting and over all the meeting was great and I promise to write up the details in a day or two. BUT we have our garden tour coming up next month and put out sign up sheets for the various jobs that need to be done. Plenty of people signed up to help with the plant sale but nothing else! Do people really think that those of us on the executive committee can really do it all? I don’t know why I find it upsetting, it’s been like this in every organization I ever been a part of.

I went to Home Depot with the gift certificate that I got for Mother’s Day this morning. They had some sad looking plants! The selection of annuals that were on sale was very limited and the perennials on sale nowhere to be found. I did get the last five strawberry plants that they had, some spearmint and red salvia. Afterwards I stopped at Wally’s World for another pincushion flower and their plants looked great – go figure. Of course trying to get someone to take my money was an issue again.

Twice this week parents called to see if I had dropped off their children and in both cases I had. Both kids turned up safe and sound – the first was at home in her room and the second was at the neighbor’s house because they couldn’t get into their own house. I spent time worrying and trying to track down these kids. Would it have been too much trouble to call back and let us know that the kids had been found?! I suppose it never occurred to them that I would worry.

Well I feel better just getting that out of my system!

Monday, May 15, 2006

This and That

I had a good Mother's Day. Bean called early. We went to Mom's and got most of her rose garden weeded before my back gave out. BJ & family came over for awhile in the evening and gave me a gift certificate so I can buy more plants.

Mr L. didn't flag me down this morning, instead he just showed up at the garage with a huge amount of bread and baked goods for the drivers. It is so nice of him to do this for us. I felt bad that I couldn't spend more time chatting with him but today was the last day we had to practice for the roadeo. We spent a couple of hours brushing up on our backing skills and right hand turns and stop lines. I am so conditioned to not get close to anything without a spotter that backing to within 8" of a barricade is hard for me. The right hand turns are a daily thing for me but my partner wanted to work on that some. The rest of the week will be spent cleaning buses and studying. The written test is only 10 points but I get so embarrased if I miss any questions.

Alex was here for most of the day today. John got to play all day! I was home for lunch and then I ran to the store for Bean and stopped there before and after work. Sunny has a new tooth. Twig slept the whole time I was there.

The mail today brought my nephew's graduation anouncement and picture. He looks just like his Dad except maybe a little more handsome. In Texas they finish early, graduation is at the end of the month. His sister will be coming home from France in early June.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

State of the Garden

I've been spending extra time at work trying to get ready for the roadeo. Cleaning buses and studying the manual and reg. book but not a lot of extra driving. My turns are tight, I've got the RR crosiings down pat, I keep just missing on the stop lines and I'm having a terrible time with getting my back wheel close enough to the curb. Hopefully I'll do well with the other parts of the course. One week to go.

I've been over to Bean's house a little bit but she really seems to have everything under control. Twig is already 7.5 lbs! Sunny is quite good with him except when he is nursing.

So the garden. When I've been home I've been trying to get as much done as I can before my back won't let me do any more. It's coming slowly. You can not dig anywhere without digging up stones and trash. Today I dug up a chain saw blade, old truck parts, charcoal, legos, cigarettte packs, glass and things I can't identify. The bugs are terrible; I have bites all over. Off doesn't seem to phase them a bit. John helped with the digging today and moved the old mulch for me so I got a lot done in the six hours that we worked. I put out the crimson clover seed around the poles by the road and I think some of it washed away in the rain. The red Astilbe Fanal came Thursday and I got it planted right away. The two new hostas have been planted too. I really don't have a plan for the front border; I'm just putting things in as I get them where ever seems like a good place at the moment. I guess I can move them later if I don't like where they end up.

Early last month I pulled all of the weeds around the two rhododendrons that Bean had ripped out of her garden. Some of the leaves are brown but there is new growth and the flowers are going to bloom so I think that they will make it. I moved the one that she bought for me last mother's day in between them. Mike helped me add the mulch. The old crib springs had lain out at the edge of the road in town all winter so I picked it up to use as a trellis for sweet peas. My family thinks I'm nuts but I think it will be very pretty in July. I planted the seeds last Monday. The pine straw is coving some old grass seed that I put out too early. I'll have to pick up some more.

On Wednesday we had Mike and Alex. (Nikki & Lizzie canceled on us.) During the day John and I managed to find 5 limbs out in the woods to make a teepee. We got it set up before I had to go back to work and he cut off some of the ends for me while I was gone. After work I tied some twine around and then helped the boys plant the morning glory seedlings that we started a few weeks ago. They think it's a great idea. I'm going to line the ground inside with the green tarp and hopefully they'll have a neat little play house. In the background you can see the irises.

The butterfly garden starts at the back steps. Those are black eyed susans on the far left that I'd like to divide and make into a larger patch. Got them from Bean in 2004. To the right, by the hose, is one of the peonies that Mom let me dig out last fall.

I was quite pleased with the curve. I laid the hose out and that worked quite well. I moved the daylilies out from next to the house to form a clump around the wire to the pole. I was sure that I had killed them! John kept saying they'd be fine and several gallons of water later they're starting to look good again.

Here you can see both sides of the garden. We left a 3 1/2 foot walkway down the middle. A curved path would have been prettier but this is Snowville, so we decided that snowblowing would be easier if we kept it straight. I need to put in something to act as a hose guide for the kero and propane deliveries. I'm thinking some kind of stakes with rope strung between them. You can see that I still have a ton of grass and weeds to dig out. As you look from the pole to the house there is an odd shaped triangular area where we can't dig due to the undergound wires. I've marked it off with newspaper covered with mulch. For now I'll put some pots and sunning stones there and hope that eventually that the perennials fill into the area.

The azalea started blooming Thursday. The green clump is more black eyed susans. In the front are pincushion flowers. The round thing is a butterfly puddle. On one of my trips out back to pick up more of the trash that a previous owner dumped, I found the top of an old grill. (What they couldn't burn and didn't just drop in the yard they simply dumped into the gully in the woods. I'm slowly cleaning it up. It will take literally years unless I pay for a roll off and get lots of help! We take our trash to the transfer station but can only take so much at a time.) John covered the vent hole with duct tape and we filled the bottom with some of the rocks we've dug up and finished filling it with dirt. Butterflies are supposed to congregate at sunny mud puddles.

The seedlings are still doing well and I hope that most of them survive being transplanted outside. I have several more plants coming from Michigan Bulb. The astilbe were OK so I'm crossing my fingers. I have several packets of seeds to start outside. I want to pick up some more of the pincushion flowers at Wally's World. I'd never seen them before. I've already had some Eastern Tailed Blues visit them. There was a little yellow butterfly today but I haven't figured out what it is yet.

I need to get the wildflower bed out front edged and weeded so I can get the seeds started. I doubt I'll get to it before the Memorial Day weekend; I'll have five days off. I'm sure I'll enjoy the flowers and the butterflies when all is said and done but I'm sore and tired everyday now.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Balancing Act

I've spent the last week trying to get everything done.

Sunny welcomed her brother home. Bean has her hands full but is managing much better than I expected.

Nikki had her birhday party.

Only a week to go to the roadeo and losts of studying and scrubbing left to do.

I've gotten a good start on the butterfly garden but there is still a long way to go.

The garden club newsletter went out on time despite having printer problems.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


It's been awhile since I've been this tired but it's a good feeling. Sunny has been very good for me while her mother's been in the hospital. Twig is perfect and looks just like his sister except he has a blue cap. My daughter is doing very well after the c-section and is coming home in the morning. We drove to Syracuse again tonight and spent some time with them.

Mike is finally in Germany and his mother was able to speak with him for a few minutes. It was a brief call but it meant so much to her just to hear his voice. Another coworker had to do something very stressful tonight and I've been thinking good thoughts for her hoping that somehow that will help her.

The sub told me that my kids were very good yesterday so the younger ones all got stickers today. It was so nice to come in to a clean and fueled bus this morning especially after I had told him not to worry about it. A kid tracked tar onto the bus today and one of the guys took care of it for me so that I wouldn't be held up getting to my daughter's so my son-in-law could leave to go to the hospital.

I missed having kids night tonight but we'll have the birthday party this weekend to get together. Nikki decided that she couldn't deal with the fact that I wouldn't be at work yeasterday so PJ got out of work early yesterday so she could ride home on Mr. M's bus. We'll have to have a talk about that. I know she had a bad experience before with a sub months ago but the routing problem is fixed now so she needs to give it another try. I asked her why she forgot her glasses today and she told me she didn't, her mother did. I got a chuckle out of that.

I haven't been able to get any yard work done and don't think I'll be able to do much before Sunday. I did try to get some done at my daughter's house but Sunny with outside too I didn't accomplish much. I need to get going; I saw a cabin cruiser heading through the locks today so spring is officially here.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

A New Twig on my Tree

Mom and baby are both doing great! Welcome to the world baby boy.