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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Birthday Bowling

Liz had her Birthday Party at the bowling alley yesterday. I had committed to working at the Onondaga County Safety Fair and thought I wouldn't be able to make it to the party. The Fair was a disappointment. They had us out so far that almost nobody came to see our display or the other, excellent, displays of large vehicles. So I abandoned my teammates and headed over to the bowling alley in time for presents and cake.

After the party John and I went to his Aunt & Uncle's house to say goodbye. They are leaving for the milder weather of Arizona. We'll miss them but they'll be back for visits and maybe eventually we'll get out there.

I finished out the day at the fundraiser for my co-worker. The turn out was large; cars were parked all along the side of the road wen we got there. An amazing number of items had been donated and the raffles took a long time. John and I had ate well and enjoyed the company of the people we sat with. I stayed until the clean up was done. Many hands make light work. So I had a very long but very good day!


  1. What a busy day (except the standing around part at the bad about that).
    I'm so glad you managed to get to Liz's bday party. Love the pictures. She's so cute! :)
    We had a good time at C's bday party too.
    Glad the fundraiser went well. What a tough thing for your co-worker to deal with, but good to see the kindness and caring of friends and neighbors pulling together.
    Hope you get some gardening done. I hope to too!

  2. P.S. Just pretend there's 2 o's in that 'too' :)
