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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Good Morning Sunshine

I had that song stuck in my head all morning. The day started out frosty but the sunshine warmed things up quickly. Living near Lake Ontario we have more cloudy days than sunny ones so I really enjoy the sunny days we do get. They are calling for great weather until the weekend.

We woke up today to no internet or phone. After calling the cable company and turning things on and off and on and off and reconnecting wires and lots more turning things on and off F realized that our wireless modem was dead. A quick trip to WallyWorld had us back online for ..........seconds. The light in the bedroom went out too. A trip in the opposite direction to the hardware store and a new outlet and we're back online.

We got a lot of snow mold this year so I spent an hour raking with many more hours left to go. I'm determined to save what grass we have. I can’t tell if the voles have started eating the poison or not yet. I'll wait until next week to start repairing their trails with the garden weasel. Hopefully the trails won’t reappear. We should probably rent or borrow a lawn roller, we’ll see how it goes. There’s a lot of backbreaking work ahead but at least it will help me get back in shape. I think I know where I want to plant things in the back yard. I can’t decide what to do with the mess where the willow tree is growing out of the old stump. I need to plant something to keep the lawn mower from going over the old roots but I don’t know whether to go with shrubs or a flower island. I’ve decided to cut down the willow while it’s still small.

Cat was sunning while I worked. I took a break and sat on the back steps and he was only to happy to crawl all over me. He let me know all the spots that he likes a nice scratch. He obviously was owned by someone. I’m wondering if he belonged to the people across the street and just got left behind when they moved out. I guess I should start asking around to see if anyone wants a friendly cat.

I moved the seedlings into the back room. Hopefully it won’t be too cold there for them. Everything has started coming up except for the tropical milkweed so I’m hopeful I’ll have some plants to start and can plant more seeds outside in May.

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