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Sunday, April 22, 2007

I've Been Outside

The weather has been wonderful the last few days!

My presentation went well at my Garden Club meeting. The ladies have promised plants for our bus fund raiser and will be spreading the word about our project. The guest speakers were from Oswego County Cooperative Extension. They have resurrected the Master Gardener program and talked about the other services and classes that they offer. I chatted a bit with them after their talk and it turns out that they may be able to help out the bus project in a big way.

Yesterday and today were spent outside in the garden. Cleaning up, puttering about and planning what to do next. The temperatures were in the 70's. Hard to believe that we had a snow storm a week ago. I think the last of it will melt tomorrow.


  1. I can't believe how fast your weather has changed! Ours wasn't even that warm today, but we did get outside and work. Always something to do in the yard/garden!!

  2. Glad your presentation went well, and I'm especially glad for your good weather. 70's, wow! I'm sure it won't be long before I'm complaining about the heat.

  3. I am so glad to hear your project is coming along so well!! Get those clubbers to give you some plants to sell!!

  4. It's about time you had some warmth and a chance to do the clean up and puttering thing, Apple. My IL yard was always such a mess as the snow disappeared and 'lost' items reappeared.

    Good luck with the bus fund project.


  5. Wow...from blizzards to springtime in a week! I'm so happy for you that you finally got some wonderful sunny days and that bus fund project is going so well!

  6. I'm sure it's gloomy and wet up your way, same as here, but at least it's not freezing outside. My daffs are blooming like crazy and the birds are building in the nest boxes. Maybe tomorrow afternoon will be better for a little outside work.
    Glad your presentation went well. It would be nice if the garden club could help raise some money for your bus project.
    Can you believe April is nearly over already?

  7. I wish I could plant a garden, but apartment living prevents that. Not to mention I don't exactly have a green thumb. I hope yours will be beautiful!
