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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Mike & Me

I had a great time with Mike yesterday. We started the day at Mom's and got some of her laundry started. He didn't really interact with her very much, instead playing with some of the toys she had out waiting for him, while I buzzed around.

We headed off for the Erie Canal Museum and I had trouble finding a parking spot. I tried for a free spot first and then start circling the area looking for a close spot. There were plenty of spots available but either I had zipped past them before I noticed them or they required parallel parking. I can parallel park a bus but not my car! They have installed a new meter system so we figured that out and arrived at the museum just a few minutes before the lecture.

I really enjoyed the lecture but it was twice as long as the last one, which was just a bit too long for Mike and if I am to be honest, my backside was getting a bit sore on the hard bench. We took awhile to explore all of the displays and you should have seen Mike's eyes light up when I told him that he could indeed get on the packet boat!

I was really looking forward to lunch at the Spaghetti Warehouse but he said he'd rather have a happy meal so we went through the drive through and headed back to Mom's. He didn't want to do the shopping with me so I left him watching cartoons.

When I got back I was pleasantly surprised to find Mike and Mom working on a crossword puzzle together. Whatever hesitancy he had in the morning was now gone. We visited and they finished the puzzle together while I finished up the laundry.

It was a great day but all good things must come to an end and Mike had plans with a friend for late afternoon so we headed home before the rush hour traffic.

I hope to be able to have a day with each of my other grandkids in the not too distant future.


  1. Love the "I can parallel park my bus but not my car." That is too funny - also I can totally relate. Glad you enjoyed time with your grandson today.

  2. That sounds like a fun day Apple. I'm glad to hear that Mike felt comfortable with your mom by the afternoon. I'll bet they both enjoyed doing that puzzle together.
    Ross had quite a chuckle about the parallel parking remark. He said to tell you he remembers how much trouble you have backing that car up. LOL
    It didn't take me too long to change my header pic, did it? What...about a year? :)

  3. This sounds like such fun to have one on one time with Mike. I know he'll cherish these memories.

  4. To think I wanted you to drive when we did the Garden Walk thinking you were the one that could parallel park!
