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Sunday, April 06, 2008

Snowball Fight!

What do my boys do on a beautiful, warm sunny day? They have a snowball fight with the kids next door! I was working in the garden where the snow is gone and told them to stay out of the snow because they didn't bring a change of clothes. They are carefully standing on a tiny grassy patch. I didn't specifically say no snowballs. They had fun and stayed (mostly) dry.

We finally can see patches of grass and we spent the entire afternoon outside. I didn't get all that much accomplished but I rarely do on my first beautiful spring day. Yesterday was beautiful too but a meeting kept me inside for most of the day.

I finally made my reservations for Michigan. Mom has an appointment next week that John will take her to. I have a very busy week coming up to get ready to go!


  1. Pretty crocuses! And cute little fellas!

  2. You know those emails that go you know you live in Northern NY if 65 through a snowstorm? etc.... Lets add, you know you live in Northern NY when you are gardening in one part of the lawn while the kids are having a snowball fight in the other part. Gotta love it!

  3. That's a great way to make use of the last of the snow :) I hope it's all gone by now.
    Your crocuses are so pretty! Isn't it wonderful to see flowers blooming? I've been out taking umpteen dozen pics of my crocuses and snowdrops, emerging daffs and tulips. It's so great to feel the warmth of the sun again, and 60ยบ last!
    I'm back at work this week...just in time for the break...and happy to have it! I got used to staying home :)
    I hope you have a great time in Michigan!

  4. Snowballs and crocuses - guess this cute post belongs on Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, Apple -
    We always knew it was spring when the outdoor hoses were turned on and the kids immediately made mud.

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose
